A good answer might be:

Only a slight problem. You can move to the correct directory and save the file there, also.

Naming the File

When you get to the "Temp" directory:

  1. Type the file name into the box.
  2. The file name should be Hello.java
    • For some versions of Notepad you should put quote marks around the file name like this: "Hello.java" even though the quote marks will not be part of the file name.
  3. Select "Save as all files" by clicking on the little down arrow it the box below the file name box.
  4. Click on "Save"

Fussy, bothersome, irritating details. Yes, I know... Some people actually like this stuff. But if you can drive a car you can do this. It might take some practice.


So, finally your Java program source file is saved. What must you do to run it?